A stockfile is a data set generated by the retailer allowing the supplier to manage his/her account. It includes information about sales, inventory, selling prices and stock cover. It also lets the supplier know which lines are open for ordering but which might be blocked by the system and will not receive orders. There is a presumption of utopia in most retailers that presumes that everything on their system is correct as is. Often though, that is not the case and there is an incongruence between retailer and supplier. These incongruencies, when multiplied by the number of stores and products, can become exponential. Let’s suppose, for example, that one product is not linked to or being stocked in 15 stores, that means that the supplier and the retailer are losing money. Let’s suppose, as a second example, that a healthy product that should be open for ordering has erroneously been blocked on the system from ordering in 10 sites. Again, the supplier and retailer are both losing money. The retailer’s automated ordering system is living and ever-changing. These problems can compound.
iRam’s set of automated maintenance tools mean that we catch these incongruencies every single week, alert our partners and then alert the retailers, taking the necessary measures to fix the issues. This maximises sales and reduces aged stock. Our system operates like a living entity, responding to shifts and pressures, and fluidly adapting the stockfile on a weekly basis.